FlipTheNumber it's a simple game in wich you have to flip some numbers in a limited time. These numbers, if added together, have to form the randomly generated number that the game gives you.
The only premade asset that i've used was the free skybox add-on by Eclipso on the UnityAssetStore.
COMMANDS: WASD after having clicked one of the five cubes to rotate it.
PS This is my first game ever so... pls be kind, it may be bad but I'm proud of it.
Also it was made in only 2 days for a game jam(my first ever!)
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Your default ui is loading off the screen, you can either make your resolution in the itch page bigger, or you can switch to the minimalist UI. Found in the same place as the publishing settings Zeno Mentioned. :)
The game couldn't load. I encountered a similar problem before and I solved it with this.